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Setup a Ponos agent on JeanZay

To easily set up a Ponos agent on JeanZay , you can follow the example below which allows you to launch any Arkindex process:

  1. Create a $HOME/.netrc file to allow Ponos to download repositories. You need a personal access token with scope read_api. You will need to add the following to your $HOME/.netrc file:
    login __token__
    password <YOUR_PERSONAL_TOKEN>
  2. Create a $HOME/configs folder with a config.yml file following the instructions described here .
  3. Run the following script:
    # Delete **all**
    # :warning: Save your Ponos files if needed
    rm -rf $HOME/.local $HOME/.cache $HOME/ponos $SCRATCH/ponos
    # (re)Install virtualenv
    module load python/3.10.4
    pip install virtualenv --no-cache-dir
    export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"
    # Create base dir/env
    cd $HOME
    mkdir ponos && cd ponos
    virtualenv .
    source bin/activate
    # Allow Ponos to create virtualenvs
    pip install virtualenv --no-cache-dir
    # Install Ponos
    cd $HOME/ponos
    git clone agent && cd agent
    pip install . --no-cache-dir
    # Install PySlurm
    cd $HOME/ponos
    # Check Slurm compatibility
    sinfo --version
    # slurm 23.02.6
    git clone && cd pyslurm
    # Checkout to respect Slurm compatibility
    git checkout 23.2.x
    # Use a specific version of Slurm
    export SLURM_INCLUDE_DIR=/gpfslocalsys/slurm/slurm-23.02.6/include
    export SLURM_LIB_DIR=/gpfslocalsys/slurm/slurm-23.02.6/lib
    # Respect PySlurm compatibility
    pip install "cython>=0.29.30<3.0" --no-cache-dir
    pip install . --no-cache-dir
    # If build fails, this may come from
    git cherry-pick f7a7d8beb8ceb4e4c1b248bab2ebb995dcae77e2
    pip install . --no-cache-dir

At the end you should have the following file structure:

├── configs
│   └── config.yml
└── ponos
   ├── agent
   └── pyslurm

Now you can simply launch:

source $HOME/ponos/bin/activate
ponos-agent $HOME/configs/config.yml